Deep Galactic Survey of CCD Image
- Create a Catalogue of the sources in a Kitt Peak 4m Telescopy CCD image, shown in header.
- Include photometry data such as the apparent magnitude of each source.
- Analyse the intensity distribution by determining the Sèrsic profile of each source.
- All analysis in Python.
Global Algorithm
- Determined background threshold from histogram of pixel brightness.
- Manually masked the areas of extensive noise.
- Found pixel with max brightness and add it to the catalogue.
- Masked a circular area around it to not count the source twice.
- Repeated until all of the image was masked.
Local Algorithm
- Used a fixed aperture approach to find the relative magnitude of each source.
- Created local reference annulus to meaningfully subtract background illumination.
- 1D curve fit determined the intensity distribution and Sérsic Profile.
Key Words
CCD Image Analysis